Quartelfinals-Egypt with a historical victory

26 Jul. 2011

Quartelfinals-Egypt with a historical victory


20:30: Egypt – Slovenia 26:21 (12:10)

Egypt with a historical victory

In the second quarter final in YMCA hall the team of Egypt surprised most of the experts and made it into the semifinal of this Junior World Championship where they will play against Germany. With a 26:21 victory against Slovenia the North African team paved the way for the next round. Although Egypt was always leading during the first half, they only made it to a score of 12:10 after the first 30 minutes. But in the second period Egypt found the rhythm into the game and built up a comfortable lead, first with 14:10, then with 19:11 and 22:13, as they had the better goal keeper on that day. Mohamed Khalil Mahmoud exasperated the Slovenian pitcher. At the end it was a historical win for Egypt, while Slovenia is going to the placement round for the places five to eight. Best scorer of this quarter final was Hisham Basiouny Mohamed, who scored 6 goals for Egypt.

20:30: France – Germany 23:28 (12:12)

The defending Champion is going to the semifinal

Two Western European teams competed each other in the last quarterfinal, when Germany played against France. In the end Germany won this match and will go to the semifinal against Egypt. During the first half it was a very tight game. The French team had the better start and took the head with three goals in the beginning of the match (4:1). But after that both teams neutralized each other, the Germans came up, so at the end of the first period of this match it was 12:12 draw. In the beginning of the second half the match went on the same tight way, but then France got a double penalty. In these two minutes Germany made it from 16:15 up to 20:15. The French resistance was broken. The German played it clever until the end and won well deserved.

While the defending Champion is going to meet Egypt in the Semifinal, the French team will take part in the placement round for the places five to eight. Best scorers of this quarter final were Kentin Mahe for France and Johannes Sellin for Germany, who both scored six goals.