Russians and Serbs will play for rank 13

17 Aug. 2011

Russians and Serbs will play for rank 13

The favourites were too strong, also in the placement matches for the ranks 13 to 16. Russia and Serbia won their matches.

Russia – Chile 41:29 (21:17)

15 minutes long, both teams played on eye level until Russia started their engines and dominated the match. The tall youngsters of head coach Valery Kotchetkov scored their goals over the heads of the Chileans.  Consequently Russia took the expected victory with a final score of 41:29.

Serbia – Qatar 33:22 (17:12)

Same procedure as in every match: At the beginning Serbia and Qatar played on an equal level until the better physical condition of the Europeans prevailed and helped them to go into halftime break with a17:12 advance. The second half just continued in the same way and even Serbia’s critical coach Slobodan Jokanovich could spend the last 30 minutes of the match relaxed on his bench. Serbia won 33:22. Beside Russia, Serbia will fight for rank 13, Qatar and Chile will compete for rank 15.