Final ranking confirmed

19 Aug. 2018

Final ranking confirmed

After the completion of the final, bronze and 5-8 placement matches earlier today, the final ranking from 3rd-24th place is now known at Poland 2018.

1st: Russia (RUS)
2nd: Hungary (HUN)
3rd: Korea (KOR)
4th: Sweden (SWE)
5th: Germany (GER)
6th: Denmark (DEN)
7th: Netherlands (NED)
8th: Spain (ESP)
9th: Romania (ROU)
10th: France (FRA)
11th: Norway (NOR)
12th: Croatia (CRO)
13th: Poland (POL)
14th: Japan (JPN)
15th: Austria (AUT)
16th: Tunisia (TUN)
17th: Montenegro (MNE)
18th: Chile (CHI)
19th: Slovakia (SVK)
20th: Argentina (ARG)
21st: Angola (ANG)
22nd: China (CHN)
23rd: Egypt (EGY)
24th: Kazakhstan (KAZ)