2021 Men’s Youth and Junior World Championships Performance Rows
21 Oct. 2019
In 2018, the IHF Council agreed to increase the number of teams participating in world championships for senior, junior and youth in both genders – from 24 teams to 32 starting in 2021. The goal is to provide an opportunity for more nations to gain experience on the biggest international stage.
The performance rows for the first Men’s Youth World Championship in Greece and Men’s Junior World Championship in Hungary under this new format have been announced. The 2021 tournaments will be organised as follows.
2021 Men’s Youth World Championship
Row 1: Africa 1, Europe 1, Europe 2, Europe 3, Europe 4, Europe 5, Europe 6, Europe 7
Row 2: Asia 1, Europe 8, Europe 9, Europe 10, Greece, Europe 11, South America 1, Europe 12
Row 3: Africa 2, Asia 2, Asia 3, Europe 13, Asia 4, South America 2, South America 3, Africa 3
Row 4: North America 1, Africa 4, Africa 5, Europe 14, Asia 5, Oceania, North America 2, IHF Trophy Winner
2021 Men’s Junior World Championship
Row 1: Europe 1, Europe 2, Africa 1, Europe 3, Europe 4, Europe 5, Africa 2, Europe 6
Row 2: Europe 7, Europe 8, Europe 9, South America 1, Hungary, Europe 10, Europe 11, Europe 12
Row 3: Asia 1, Asia 2, Asia 3, Africa 3, South America 2, South America 3, North America 1, Europe 13
Row 4: Oceania, Africa 4, Africa 5, South America 4, Asia 4, Africa 6, North America 2, IHF Trophy Winner