1st IHF Wheelchair Handball Seminar begins tomorrow

16 Oct. 2020

1st IHF Wheelchair Handball Seminar begins tomorrow

Tomorrow, 17 October, marks the beginning of a special two-day seminar dedicated to wheelchair handball. The goal of the series is to inform, attract and motivate the global handball community as much as possible, and for National Federations and individuals that are both active and inactive in the discipline to learn more about the current wheelchair handball conditions.

The webinars will be delivered in two two-hour blocks, each starting at 13:00 CEST. The first session will focus on the history and current global situation as well as in specific regions, before turning to the IHF rules for six-a-side wheelchair handball. The session will conclude with a discussion on the activation of National Federations and Continental Confederations regarding wheelchair handball.

Sunday’s lecture will focus on four-a-side rules and cooperation with parasport bodies.

The webinars will be streamed live on Zoom as well as on the IHF Facebook page. On Zoom, translation will be available into Arabic, French and Spanish.

Join us on Zoom

To join the webinars on Zoom, simply click on the respective link below and follow the instructions. 

Session 1, 17 October 2020, 13:00-15:00 CEST: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83966102796

Session 2, 18 October 2020, 13:00-15:00 CEST: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84753854696

PHOTOS: Federação de Andebol de Portugal