Best of social media: August 7

07 Aug. 2021

Best of social media: August 7

France are the Olympic champions, Denmark take silver and Spain win Bronze! See how the handball community and sports world are reacting on social media to the Tokyo 2020 men's handball competition finals results.


A post shared by Roberto García Parrondo (@robertogparrondo)


A post shared by Yahia Khaled Omar (@yahiaomar5)


A post shared by Mohamed Mamdouh Hashem89 (@mohamedmamdouhhashem89)


A post shared by DET DANSKE KONGEHUS ?? (@detdanskekongehus)


A post shared by Jorge Maqueda (@maqueda15)


A post shared by France Olympique (@franceolympique)


A post shared by Karim Hendawy (@karimhendawy88)


A post shared by Nikola Karabatic (@nikolakarabatic44)


A post shared by Luc (@lucabalo19)


A post shared by Hugo Descat (@hdescat)